In the realm of publication ethics at Artificial Intelligence in Educational Research, it is our firm expectation that all contributors adhere to well-defined ethical commitments. These ethical duties, delineated below, have been meticulously crafted by taking into account the comprehensive guidelines and policies set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Special emphasis has been placed on principles associated with open access, underscoring our commitment to transparency and unrestricted access to scholarly knowledge. This dedication to ethical standards ensures a robust and principled framework for all participants involved in the publication processes of Artificial Intelligence in Educational Research.

Responsibilities of editors

Artificial Intelligence in Educational Research is dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical standards. Editorial responsibilities are guided by the following principles:

-Editors must ensure a fair and unbiased evaluation of all submitted manuscripts, regardless of the authors' identity, affiliation, or other characteristics. Decisions should be based solely on the academic merit of the work.

-Editors should treat all submitted manuscripts as confidential and must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, and, if applicable, other editorial advisers.

-Editors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their editorial decisions. If a conflict arises, steps should be taken to ensure an unbiased and objective evaluation of the manuscript.

-Editors are responsible for maintaining the quality and originality of the journal. Manuscripts should be evaluated based on their scholarly contribution, significance, and adherence to ethical standards.

-Editors must actively work to prevent plagiarism and research misconduct. Suspected cases should be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions, including retractions or corrections, should be taken if necessary.

-Editors should strive to ensure timely and efficient manuscript handling. Authors should be provided with prompt and constructive feedback, and the publication process should be expedited without compromising quality.

-Editors should engage in continuous professional development to stay informed about evolving ethical standards, best practices, and advancements in scholarly publishing.

Responsibilities of authors

Authors submitting manuscripts to Artificial Intelligence in Educational Research are expected to adhere to the following ethical principles:

-Authors must ensure that their work is original, and all sources are appropriately cited. Any form of plagiarism or data fabrication is strictly prohibited.

-All individuals who have made significant contributions to the research must be listed as authors. Proper acknowledgment of the contributions of others should also be included.

-Authors should not submit the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously. Each submission should be a unique and original work.

-Authors should be prepared to provide access to their data if requested and should retain raw data for a reasonable time after publication.

-Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the research or its interpretation. This includes financial, personal, or institutional relationships that may be perceived as influencing the work.

-Authors should promptly notify the journal's editors if they discover any significant errors or inaccuracies in their submitted or published work, and cooperate with the editors to correct or retract the paper as necessary.

-Research involving human or animal subjects must adhere to ethical standards. Authors should provide evidence of ethical approval for studies involving human subjects.

Responsibilities of Reviewers

Reviewers involved in the peer-review process for Artificial Intelligence in Educational Research are expected to adhere to the following ethical principles:

-Reviewers should treat all materials and information related to the submitted manuscripts as confidential. They must not disclose any details about the manuscripts or their review unless authorized by the journal's editorial team.

-Reviewers should conduct the review process objectively and impartially, providing constructive and unbiased feedback to authors. Personal biases or conflicts of interest that may affect their judgment should be disclosed.

-Reviewers are expected to complete their reviews in a timely manner. If they cannot meet the designated deadline, they should promptly inform the editorial team.

-Reviewers should only accept review assignments for manuscripts within their area of expertise. If they feel unqualified to review a particular submission, they should notify the editorial team.

-Reviewers should declare any conflicts of interest that may compromise the impartiality of their review. If a conflict arises during the review process, Reviewers should inform the editorial team immediately.

-Reviewers should provide clear, constructive, and well-reasoned feedback to help authors improve the quality of their work. Criticism should be expressed in a professional and respectful manner.