Comparison of the Texts Selected from the Textbook and the Texts Produced by Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in terms of Vocabulary
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Studies on text production by artificial intelligence are increasing. In this study, the vocabulary of five texts from different genres randomly selected from the 2nd-grade Turkish textbook and five texts on similar topics and genres written by three different artificial intelligence programs (ChatGPT 3.5, Gemini, Magic School) were examined. In the study where qualitative design was used, the data were analyzed by document analysis. The different words and types/token ratios of the texts were compared for this study. Additionally, the relationship between these variables was also examined. According to the findings of the study, while there was no obvious superiority between the texts selected from the textbook and the texts produced by ChatGPT and Magic School, it was noteworthy that the texts written by Gemini generally had the least word variety. In addition, it was determined that as the total words in the texts increased, the number of different words increased significantly, and as the total words increased, the types/token ratio decreased significantly. The findings of the study were discussed in the light of the literature.
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