Development of Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Language Learning
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Rapidly developing artificial intelligence applications deeply affect education as well as other fields. Based on the literature review, the current study basically examines the relationship between artificial intelligence and education in general, and foreign language education in particular. This study discusses how the roles of students and teachers are affected by the integration of artificial intelligence tools into education and the pedagogical changes. Many studies mention the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence-based technologies in educational processes. When technology-based education is considered, the first addressed issue is the individualization of education. With technological developments, educational processes have the potential to become unlimited with time and place and hence it is necessary to shape educational processes according to the interests and needs of the learners and to reshape the courses pedagogically with new technological developments. Additionally, teachers need to think over how to develop their understanding of technology use in classes and teacher professionalism. Finally, the research examines artificial intelligence-based mobile applications for foreign language teaching and reveals that these applications are still at an early level.
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